In April 2011 I ran the London Marathon and raised £2600 for Asthma UK. It was a 'once in a lifetime' experience...or so I thought. Bravely (or stupidly) I'm doing it again, and this blog will chart my progress while I train for my second London Marathon. Come with me on my journey towards the big day. Here I go...again!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Wheezy does it

I went for my annual asthma check-up today, and am pleased to say that it all went very well. I'm officially the right weight for my height at last (I'm usually told I could do with losing a bit of weight which only ever encourages me to eat more chocolate!) and my lung capacity is above the expected level - another big plus.
I know that the running I've done over the last couple of years has made a big difference to my breathing and I'm hoping I escape a chest infection again this winter.
The only problem was when the nurse came to print off my inhaler prescription - the new computer system said 'No', so I've had to 'leave it with her' and I can collect it tomorrow. Hopefully.
I've ordered some 'business cards' again, as I found them really useful last time round for giving out my fundraising details.
What do you think of the design...?
Hopefully I've got all the details right on there.
Sadly there wasn't a picture of jelly beans to match my blog's background, so I plumped for a running shoe instead. I'm not sure my running shoes have ever gone as fast as the one on the card, but I'm working on it.

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