In April 2011 I ran the London Marathon and raised £2600 for Asthma UK. It was a 'once in a lifetime' experience...or so I thought. Bravely (or stupidly) I'm doing it again, and this blog will chart my progress while I train for my second London Marathon. Come with me on my journey towards the big day. Here I go...again!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

One last blog

Well...this is last blog before the 2012 London Marathon.
We travelled down to London yesterday morning and headed straight for the Expo.

It a very exciting, but very nerve-jangling place to be.

As you enter the hall you collect your running number and final instructions, pick up your timing chip, and then you're into the main hall. There are hundreds of stands selling anything and everything to do with sport in general, and running in particular. I could have easily spent a small fortune, but was very restrained.

The charities also have stalls, and our first stop was the Muscular Dystrophy stand. It was great to meet the MD organising team, who have been there to support us over the last few months, and also Bernie - a fellow MD runner - who has been our 'ask the expert', always there to offer training tips and quality advice.

The family were all given t-shirts to wear on the route, and cheering sticks too.

The Marathon is a huge fund raiser for charities, and I'm so pleased to be part of that. My friends and family have been incredibly generous in their support, and my Just Giving total is currently just under £1100. Truly amazing.

After an hour or so at the Expo we headed to the Natural History Museum for a wander, then went out for a delicious pizza meal in the evening - strictly for training purposes, you understand - it's very important to eat lots of carbs at the moment!

We woke this morning to blue skies and sunshine - if only it would stay like this for tomorrow. I haven't dared look at the forecast for a couple of days, but will check what it says tonight.
I've come prepared with a choice of long and short sleeved running tops to wear under my charity vest. I think I'll wait until the morning to make my final decision.
A long sleeved top in sunshine will be too hot, but if the predicted heavy showers materialise then short sleeves could leave me shivering...what's a girl to do?
Today is 'me time'...I have a newspaper, a book, plenty of healthy treats to eat, and I'm putting my feet up and relaxing for the entire day while the family head out to the Tower of London for some tourist action.

Before the family went out there was just time for a quick dress rehearsal for tomorrow - don't they look gorgeous in their matching outfits?

They did a quick practice, and I have no doubt I'll see and hear them along the route tomorrow.
Plans are in place for them to meet me at Cutty Sark, Tower Bridge, mile 20, Mile 23, and by the reception at the end. Everything will depend on the trains running efficiently and the size of the crowds, but they'll do their best. I certainly couldn't do it without them.
I guess you know why I chose to run for Muscular Dystrophy, but just in case you don't...
My Dad had Muscular Dystrophy, and there are members of my family who are still affected by this debilitating disease. I'm running my Dad, and for them.
My Dad never gave into the illness, and I hope I can follow his example and keep going tomorrow, even when it gets tough. Thinking of him will get me round. I think he'd be proud.
The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign does amazing work to support families who are affected by the disease - from support following diagnosis to care as the illness progresses, and also research into the disease.
If you can, please take a moment and make a donation - it doesn't have to be big. You can donate by text - anything from £1-£10 - by texting Jass73 £x to 70070 (and replace x with the amount you'd like to donate) or you can visit my Just Giving page at
Any donation you make really will make a difference.

So - I guess this is it.
Tomorrow morning I plan to head over to Greenwich to meet my friends, Simon and Sarah Jane, who are also running. It's their first marathon, so I think I'll let them beat me round ;o)
I'd like to thank Simon. First for convincing me to run again, and second for fundraising for MD, too. He's raised over £700 so far, and I have a feeling that figure will go up in the next 24 hours.
And 'thank you' to you - my family, and all my friends - for sharing this journey with me through my blog, for offering words of support and encouragement, especially through the tough times in training, and for being with me in thought tomorrow.
Look out for me on the telly...I'll be at the back of the pack, huffing and puffing, but hopefully smiling all the way!

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